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Last updated on
Oct 11, 2024

Clair's Underwriting Model

In order to underwrite earned wage access (EWA) loans for the employee, Clair needs to be able to access certain data. We use the pay rate and time clock data of the employee to calculate their gross earnings. Of those gross earnings, the employee is able to access 50%, up to the limit of $200, through EWA loans. This way the employee will always have enough left in their paycheck to cover their deductions, and also reduce the possibility of borrowing more than they are able to pay back. By using this tangible data, we are able to offer these loans to the employee through our Partner bank, Pathward. The limits on EWA are: Each loan must be a minimum of $50 and a maximum of $200, and the user may only take advances on shifts that have been completed and reported to Clair through integration. FAQ What APIs does Clair have? Clair provides a RESTful API for the transmission of data necessary to power its EWA product. As we work together as partners and design how you’ll bring EWA to employees on your platform, API documentation will be provided detailing the data that will be needed. The EWA product itself where employees interact to take loans, view statements, etc is delivered as an embeddable component that you simply launch in a WebView. Clair will need data about the employees (name, email, phone, address), their employers (company name, location), and their employment (salary, termination, attendance) to facilitate onboarding and underwriting. The specific scope of this data will be worked on together through our partnership. All Advances are originated by Pathward®, N.A.
Last updated on
Oct 11, 2024

How to Partner with Clair

Clair is the leading embedded solution for offering nationally compliant Earned Wage Access through your Workforce Management (WFM) or Human Capital Management (HCM) Platform. Clair is dedicated to partnering with technology-focused partners that are leading the way in providing financial solutions that engage employees through workplace benefits.  Partnering with Clair includes access to a full set of API Documentation, out-of-box marketing material, and a Clair-hosted UX that allows employees to take On-Demand Pay through earned wage advances with our partner bank, Pathward® N.A. This banking partnership allows Clair to own the bulk of the compliance landscape, enabling your team to move quickly without building home-grown compliance or BaaS technology. With an outcome-driven approach, our teams will partner closely on technical development, benefit launch, and ongoing engagement.        Schedule your call with Clair to start the process:  [CTA] Book a demo FAQ What is the pricing structure?  For questions about our enterprise pricing please contact or schedule a demo.  What is Earned Wage Access (EWA)? Earned Wage Access is a product solution that focuses on making it easier for employees to access their earned wages before payday, removing some of the cashflow challenges that cause financial stress. Clair connects via API to a Payroll or Time & Attendance Platform to calculate earnings and then provides short-term loans from Pathward, N.A. to simulate getting paid early. We are able to achieve this by partnering with a national bank to offer 0% APR loans based on earnings data that are automatically repaid during the standard pay cycle. This enables employers in your network to offer EWA as a free employee benefit, allowing employees to gain early access to their earned wages via a loan originated by Clair's partner bank, Pathward. How is an embedded integration different from a standard API? Clair delivers its EWA product as an embeddable component. All you need to do is send along the data to power it - employee information, employment details, attendance records - and open the component in a WebView. Inside the component, the employees will be able to take EWA loans, review their history, find documents, make repayments, and do other loan-servicing-related tasks.  Leveraging the embedded component allows Clair’s partners to launch quickly as well as avoid added compliance scrutiny and securing appropriate licensing to be a loan servicer. This is Clair’s way to take the heavy lifting of lending out of partners’ hands! Is the partnership with Clair or with Pathward? Clair is a financial technology company that offers earned wage access loans provided by Pathward N.A., by seamlessly integrating with payroll and time and attendance platforms. This integration technology is offered by Clair but all earned wage advance loans are originated by Pathward Bank. All Advances are originated by Pathward®, N.A.
Last updated on
Oct 11, 2024

Who handles support when employees have questions about earned wage access (EWA)?

All end users should be referred to Clair Care support if they have questions about their earned wage access (EWA) account. As this information is private and protected, we must verify the employee in order to provide any information about their profile or EWA. It is unlawful for Clair to discuss account-specific information with anyone but the account holder. If a client contacts you about an issue their employee is having, please advise them to refer their employee directly to Clair’s capable Care team who will handle the situation appropriately. You can also provide the link to our user-facing FAQ articles to your clients for employee self-service troubleshooting and step by steps. Our library of user-facing information is ever-evolving based on the needs and asks of our end users. This means articles stay up-to-date and accurate and are a good source of information for your clients and their employees. You can find user-facing articles here.
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