Why GNC, a health and nutrition retail chain, uses Clair

Meet franchise owner Benny Farzad and hear how Clair has impacted his business.

I announced Clair to my team and I’ve never seen so much engagement on a message from Whatsapp...the feedback was that they love it

The Challenge.

My employees asked me for cash advances even before we offered Clair. This added a lot of extra back work for me as I had to keep track of how much I advanced, to who, and when we agreed to pay it back.

The Solution.

We had a lot of employees ask us directly for cash advances before we had Clair. Since we realized how important this is to some of our employees, we now list it as our top benefit in all our job listings.

My employees are mostly students so I was skeptical whether they’d need Clair as much as someone who’s older and has more bills to pay. But, they keep telling me how much they like having it as an option. They use it to smooth out their income and pay for their needs when they come up, not whenever their paycheck hits.

Every time I mention that we offer on-demand pay in interviews, I’m always happy to see how excited the candidate gets about it and I know we made the right decision by offering Clair.

It’s something to set ourselves apart in the marketplace… It's the very first thing now we put in all of our hiring and marketing

The Impact. Clair gives me time back to manage my business.

Now, Clair manages all the advances and payback directly with the employee and I don’t have to worry about it. My payroll and cash-flow aren’t affected. Clair runs in the background through their integration with When I Work, my time and attendance platform. I know it’s being done correctly with no hassle on my end. I love that.

I even have some employees that haven’t signed up for Clair yet that have told me they like knowing it’s there: they haven’t needed an advance yet but when they do, they know they’re covered.

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